Mabilia RG, Souza SMG. 2006. Efeito do tratamento com diflu- benzuron na hematologia de jundias, Rhamdia quelen (Pimelo- didae) infestados por Lernaea cyprinacea (Copepoda) em banhos de imers~ao de 24 horas. Acta Sci Biol Sci 28:159-163....
OVULATIONThis paper presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of hormone therapy in the treatment of female infertility. Infertility is a common concern affecting many women and couples around the world. Hormone therapy has been widely used as an approach to stimulate...
Other extractions than of premolars to solve malocclusions with crowding are not usual in orthodontic therapy, but can be indicated in some specific cases, specially to treat adult patients that seek for shorter treatment time and practical solutions to lead wit...
The status migrainosus is a complication of migraine characterizedby severe headache for more than 72 h that did not respond to treatment, with risk of strokeand suicide. Researches on treatment are directed to drugs that stimulate GABA receptors; propofol and isoflurane act on sub鈥怗ABAa ...
Barreiro, Eliezer JSociedade Brasileira de QuímicaQuímica NovaViegas-Jr., C.; Bolzani, V.S.; Furlan, M.; Fraga, C.A.M.; Barreiro, E.J. Produtos naturais como candidatos a farmacos uteis no tratamento do Mal de Alzheimer. Quim. Nova, 2004, 27(4), 655- 660....
In the controls, however, the teeth continue to develop in an anteroinferior direction, maintaining the Class II characteristics.doi:10.1590/S0103-06631999000400015L. MaltagliatiJ. C. H. HenriquesRenato Rodrigues de AlmeidaM. R. FreitasA. PinzanRevista de Odontologia da Universidade de So Paulo...