in the woman was possible its execution, since it took advantage from the vulvovaginal esfincteral muscle nohen it can be preserved ot the anus-rectum amputation. the colon, prepared wit the valves, descend posteriorily from the vagina, inside the vulvo-vaginal esfincteral group. the ...
CBD has chemopreventive effects on some cancers, such as breast, lung, colon, prostate, skin, and brain. Final considerations: And in short, CBD has great potential to improve the lives of cancer patients, both by relieving the symptoms of pain, sleep disturbanc...
since the beginning of the 90's, many publications have reported equivalent results among laparoscopic and conventional colorectal resections for cancer regarding lymph nodes number, length of the resection, margins and parietal implants. recent studies for colon cancer showed no difference in recurrence...
lung cancertracheobronchial obstructionIntroduction: Locally advanced tumours as the initial form of presentation of tumours in the bronchial tree are not a rare event. Bronchogenic recurrence is frequent in the natural history of some tumours. The choice of therapeutic options from the raft available...
Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in the world. There are many controversies in the literature about the prognostic value of primary tumor location. Many studies have shown higher survival rates for tumors in the right colon, and worse prognosis for lesions ...
colorectal hereditary cancerdiagnosistreatmentIn this article we report the case of a patient with Lynch syndrome (HNPCC) who developed metachronic rectal cancer in a short time interval after the primary tumor had been treated (right colon cancer). The objective of this case report is to point ...