The relationship between the 2 sets of personality-related constructs was examined using a construct validity framework and also using Pearson correlation coefficients, multiple linear regression models, and spline regression models. The 5 PD factors each exhibited small to moderate correlations with ...
No se conoce cuáles son los factores de riesgo que tienen los niños con TDAH para que el trastorno persista, aunque se ha reportado asociación con el tratamiento tardío, la severidad del cuadro y la presencia de comorbilidades psiquiátricas como desórdenes de personalidad entre otros...
Riesgo y letalidad suicida en pacientes con trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP), en un hospital de psiquiatría suicide attempt in patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (bpd) is the most frequent cause of hospitalization in this clinical category an... JJ Espinosa,BB Grynbe...
Multiple pregnancyChorioamnionitisPrematurityWe report a case of preterm premature rupture of membranes in a diamniotic dichorionic twin pregnancy at the limit of fetal viability. Expectant management was adopted. After 3 weeks of latency the pregnancy ended in chorioamnionitis. The patient delivered ...
Multiple linear regression analysis has identified three variables as independent predictors of WAI-S total score: subjects with lower Harm Avoidance, older patients, and subjects with a higher psychopathology level had a better WAIS total score. These preliminary results showed that the pattern of ...