is that both MCs are bi. Canterbary has written several m/m romances, but I’m not sure she’s had bi MCs in her previous m/f books. (The heroine only makes a couple of vague references to past relationships with women, whereas an earlier situation involving another man factors signific...
by Guest Reviewer· Nov 17, 2019 at 4:00 am · View all 19 comments Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung by Kim Ho-sooB+ Historical: Other, Not a Book, RomanceThis guest review comes to us from Heather Morris! Heather Morris is a cyborg librarian living in North Carolina. She’s a Cool ...
but I had to quit when the protagonist was half passed out from flu AND WENT TO WORK, insisting that she ”wasn’t sick”. Stupid woman, stop playing a martyr. She was a wealthy Vet, so it wasn’t a life and death situation that she had to go ...
I’m giving the edge to Bell’s book because there’s no deception involved in the plot and also because the stakes are higher: unlike the hero in SENDER, the hero in SO CLOSE is in a difficult financial situation and needs the sale of the piece of property (a beach-front inn that ...
Tara: Sarah, if short fiction is working for you, I just finished readingVampires Never Get Oldand a lot of the stories in there are excellent! In terms of what I’m reading now, I started readingLegendbornby Tracy Deonn(A|BN|K|AB) yesterday and I’m mad that I have to work today...