Trash Truck《宝贝呠呠垃圾车(2020)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: GiantJack! 垃圾车! Let'sgo! 我们走! Comeon! 快来! -Hey!They'rehere!-Hi,GiantJack. -喂!他们来了!-你好垃圾车 Hi,guys! 你们好! -Hey,Harry.-Hello,boys. ...
First,Ineedtoshowyoumyroom,andthenwelleatpizza ?首先我要给你们看我的房hearts;间?然后我们要吃披萨 andthen,guesswhereweregoingtobesleeping? ?然后你们猜我们要睡在哪里? MumandDadsroom? ?爸妈的房hearts;间? -Dowegettosleepinthebigbed?-No,Danny.Outside!
And, for my sins, though I haven’t had a TV for 20 years now ( I don’t need it – mental pollution), I do watch TV series sometimes on rental DVD, and for a while there, like every other idiot, I was glued to the ridiculous Sex And The City: that addictive, stupid, fun, ...
Trash Truck《宝贝呠呠垃圾车(2020)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: GiantJack! 垃圾车!'sgo! 我们走! Comeon! 快来! -Hey!They , rehere!-Hi,GiantJack. ■喂!他们来了!•你好垃圾车 Hi,guys! 你们好! -Hey,Harry.-Hello,boys. ...