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Built-In and Pull-Out Trash Cans provide discreet storage of your trash bins while accommodating convenient disposal of your waste right at your fingertips. Perhaps dual trash cans, with a garbage can and a recylce bin or a small trash can for just your food scraps, or a motion sensor tra...
Flameguard Trash Can, 1.9 Gallon (7 liter) - Brilliant Steelis rated5.0out of5by16. 5.0(16) 5.0/5.00of16 In stock 10 years warranty Space efficient - XS volume (1.9 gallon). More product benefits $55.00 Qty Orders above $80freehome delivery* ...
Download free Trash-Can-Bin pictures & millions more royalty free images. Our free stock photos are curated for quality & diversity.
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IM-RC12-WH-SS is only capable of housing a single trash can and Imperial does not sell additional cans at this time. - Answered on December 17, 2021 0% of 0 people found this useful. Was this useful to you? Yes (0) | No (0) Is this a free standing unit or does it have to...