They are about 40 light-years (光年) from the Earth. 27.___But scientists say it's a little close."28.___If you lived on one of them, you could possibly see the clouds around the next planet.More importantly, three of the planets are at the perfect distance from the Sun. 29._...
The best chance for a habitable environment in the TRAPPIST-1 system is TRAPPIST-1e, which lies in the middle of the habitable zone at a distance of 2.73 million miles (4.4 million km) from its star, according to NASA. Orbiting every 6.1 Earth days, TRAPPIST-1e is smaller than Earth,...
TRAPPIST-1e lies in its star's habitable zone, the distance from a star at which a planet is warm enough to have liquid water on its surface and thus potentially support life as we know it on Earth. This planet may also have a lot of oxygen, the researchers said. As water evaporate...
To put TRAPPIST-1's distance into perspective, a spacecraft at the outer edges of the solar system, like the Voyager 1 probe, would still have to travel for over 73,000 years just to get to Proxima b, which is only about 4 light-years from Earth.为了感受TRAPPIST-1的距离。举个栗子,...
TRAPPIST-1 is a remarkable planetary system, with at least seven planets in a compact configuration orbiting a small star. The farthest detected planet is at a distance of about 6% the Earth-sun distance. This system is... References and Further Reading ...
This scenario has several advantages: it connects to the observation that disks are made up of pebbles, it is efficient, it explains why the TRAPPIST-1 planets areEarth mass, and it provides a rationale for the system's architecture. 年份: 2017 ...
Mean Distance fromTRAPPIST-15.76 million km 0.04AU Mass0.93 xEarth Diameter1.02 xEarth Temperature219K(-54°C) ParentstarTRAPPIST-1,reddwarfinAquarius Otherplanetsin this systemTRAPPIST-1 b,Earth-mass planet TRAPPIST-1 c,Earth-mass planet
Atmospheric reconnaissance of the habitable-zone Earth-sized planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1. Nature Astronomy 2018, 2, Wit, J., Wakeford, H.R., Lewis, N.K., Delrez, L., Gillon, M., Selsis, F., Leconte, J., Demory, B.O., Bol- mont, E., Bourrier, V., Burgasser,...
Yoshino, T., Laumonier, M., McIsaac, E. & Katsura, T. Electrical conductivity of basaltic and carbonatite melt-bearing peridotites at high pressures: implications for melt distribution and melt fraction in the upper mantle. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 295, 593–602 (2010). Article ADS Googl...
Since its discovery eight years ago, the TRAPPIST-1 star system has excited astronomers because of its potential for supporting life. Around this cool red dwarf are seven rocky, Earth-sized exoplanets, some of which are at the right distance to possibly have air and water. While some scien...