Since the gopher is usually pushing dirt into the lateral tunnel to plug the hole you created in the mound, this set typically has more miss-fires since the pocket gopher is pushing dirt which can interfere with the trap. Overall - Trapping Pocket Gophers Once you understand how to find th...
Gophers are clever critters and part of the rodent family. They are small, with brown fur that matches the soil they love to tunnel through. Their most unique features are their large, fur-lined cheek pouches, which can be turned inside out for emptying and cleaning, and their lips, which...
Pocket gophers (Thomomys spp.) are one of the most damaging wildlife pests in the state of Californiaand are a major pest throughout the U.S. Many techniques are used to control pocket gophers including trappingand poison baiting. Both methods are important components of an Integrated Pest Ma...