SINGLE PHOTON SOURCE ON THE BASIS OF A TRAPPED IONKeller, MEt AlM. Keller et al., Single photon source on the basis of a trapped ion, Nature, 431:1075 (2004). 3.7
& Kim, J. Efficient collection of single photons emitted from a trapped ion into a single-mode fiber for scalable quantum-information processing. Phys. Rev. A 84, 063423 (2011).T. Kim, P. Maunz, and J. Kim, "Efficient Collection of Single Photons Emitted from a Trapped Ion into a ...
Single atoms or atom-like emitters are the purest source of single photons, they are intrinsically incapable of multi-photon emission. To demonstrate this degree of photon number-state purity we have realized a single-photon source using a single ion trapped at the common focus of high numerical...
Here, we report the observation of a weak-to-strong measurement transition in a single trapped 40Ca+ ion system. The transition is realized by tuning the interaction strength between the ion’s internal electronic state and its vibrational motion, which play the roles of the measured system and...
ion quantum node via QFC to the telecom regime in a coherent way, creating high-quality entanglement between the ion and a telecom photon. To this end, we generate entanglement between an atomic quantum bit in a single trapped40Ca+ion and the polarization state of a single photon at 854...
In the present paper, we determined the crystal structure of the GAK catalytic domain alone and in complex with specific single-chain antibodies (nanobodies). GAK is constitutively active and weakly associates in solution. The GAK apo structure revealed a dimeric inactive state of the catalytic ...
Alternatively, to implement the desired quantum computation in CMW band, in the present work, we focus on the quantum manipulations of a series of single electrons trapped on liquid Helium. For the manipulability, the potentials for trapping the electrons can be generated by the voltage-biased ...
While it is possible to make a larger quantum computer simply by putting more ions into a single crys- tal, this approach is unlikely to be scalable to very large numbers of qubits. Efforts toward trapped-ion quan- tum computation have therefore focused on architectures that scale the number ...
single trapped\(^{40}\mathrm {Ca}^+\)ion utilized a laser at\(122\,{\hbox {nm}}\)to reach a Rydberg state with\(n=64\). Additionally, the energy of a photon at\(122\,{\hbox {nm}}\), given by\(E=\hbar \omega {\sim }10.2\,{\hbox {eV}}\), is much greater than ...
The Level System of 88Sr+ Trapped Ion Our quantum system consists of a single trapped Rydberg ion. Although the method is applicable for any Rydberg ion we consider for concreteness Rydberg 88Sr+ ion with the level structure shown on Fig. 2. The Rabi frequency Ω1 drives the two-photon tr...