thatarefoundontheleftmostportionofeachintervalwhilerightRiemannsumsuse heightsthatarefoundontherightmostportionofeachinterval.MidpointRiemannsumsuse Prascius2 theheightvaluefounddirectlyinthecenteroftheinterval.UpperRiemannsumsusetheheights thatcorrespondtothehighestf(x)valueintheintegralandlowerRiemannsumsuse...
s rule. One method for finding the area under the curve is Riemann sums. A Riemann sum approximates the area under the curve by separating the area under the curve into separate rectangles and adding the areas of the rectangles together. The formal notation of a Riemann sum is R n = ...
The usual way of representing the fractional derivatives is by the Riemann–Liouville formula. Definition 3 ([4,20]). The Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative operator [Math Processing Error]DaRLtα, of order [Math Processing Error]α≥0, [Math Processing Error]m=⌈α⌉, ceiling ...