The subscript 2n in the equation means that if you use M1and T1, you get S2, if you use M2and T2, you get S4. S2n= (Mn+Mn+Tn) ⁄ 3 Riemann sum, Simpson’s. Back to Top Example Problem (Right Hand Riemann) Example problem:Find the area under the curve from x = 0 to x =...
thatarefoundontheleftmostportionofeachintervalwhilerightRiemannsumsuse heightsthatarefoundontherightmostportionofeachinterval.MidpointRiemannsumsuse Prascius2 theheightvaluefounddirectlyinthecenteroftheinterval.UpperRiemannsumsusetheheights thatcorrespondtothehighestf(x)valueintheintegralandlowerRiemannsumsuse...
integro-fractional differential equation; Caputo derivative; central finite difference approximation; trapezoidal rule; error analysis stability; convergence1. Introduction Fractional calculus (FC) is one of the most important branches of mathematics that deals with arbitrary order integrals and derivatives. ...