et al. Transverse axial plane anatomy of the temporal bone employing high spatial resolution computed tomography. Neuroradiology , 22: 185–191, 1982.Russell EJ, Koslow M, Lasjaunias P, Bergeron RT, Chase N. Trans- verse axial plane anatomy of the temporal bone employing high spatial ...
In anatomy, relating to a cross-section. The MRI showed a transverse section of the brain. 10 Axial Pertaining to features or measurements along the central line. The drill makes precise axial holes. 10 Transverse A direction or plane perpendicular to the main axis. A transverse cut divides ...
Frontal Plane The frontal plane divides the body into front and back. Movements in this plane are sideways movements. Examples are abduction and adduction. Abduction is when you lift your arm out to the side. Adduction occurs when you move it back down to your side from the raised position....
The Heschl gyrus appeared on MR imaging between 24 and 25 weeks' gestational age (14/21 fetuses, 67%) and was visible in all fetuses after the 28th week of gestation. By its appearance (24-28 weeks' gestational age), the sagittal plane was the most sensitive in its detectability. After...
(Anatomy)anatomyeither of the projections that arise from either side of a vertebra and provide articulation for the ribs Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Then, the specimens were sliced into 0.1 mm serial section on the transverse plane with the computerized milling machine, the figures were taken with digital camera and the sectional data were stored in the computer. Lastly, the thin transversal section of PPF was investigated and compared with ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. fas·cia (făsh′ə, fä′shə) n. pl. fas·ci·ae (făsh′ē-ē′, fä′shē-ē′) 1. Anatomy a. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and ...
1. a.A section formed by a plane cutting through an object, usually at right angles to an axis. b. A piece so cut or a graphic representation of such a piece. What is transverse in anatomy? Axial Plane (Transverse Plane) -A horizontal plane; divides the body or any of its parts in...
11.Video 1: Transverse plane showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit.横切面显示左侧眼球增大,从眶内突出。 12.Preliminary Anatomy Study and Significance of Crisra of Transverse Process in Thoracic Vertebra胸椎“横突嵴”的初步解剖学研究及意义 ...
11.Video 1: Transverse plane showing enlarged left ocular bulb protruding out of the orbit.横切面显示左侧眼球增大,从眶内突出。 12.Preliminary Anatomy Study and Significance of Crisra of Transverse Process in Thoracic Vertebra胸椎“横突嵴”的初步解剖学研究及意义 ...