Transversal numbers for hypergraphs arising in geometry - Alon, Kalai, et al. () Citation Context ...nd some others also hold for d-Leray complexes. For example, for Helly’s theorem this follows essentially from Helly’s own topological generalization [Hel30], for the (p,q)-theorem this...
To understand the converse of the perpendicular transversal theorem, one needs to understand what the converse states. A converse is when the introduction ({eq}p {/eq}) can be reversed with the conclusion ({eq}q {/eq}). Traditionally, a statement is given in the form, {eq}p\rightarrow...
(Mathematics)geometrya line intersecting two or more other lines adj a less common word fortransverse transˈversallyadv Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Geometric transversal theory has its origins in Helly's theorem: Theorem 1.1 (Helly's Theorem) [49]. Suppose A is a family of at least d + 1 convex sets in IR d , and A is finite or each member of A is compact. Then if every d + 1 members of A have a common point, there ...
In this section, we present the proof of Theorem 5 which gives an optimal upper bound for linear stacked 2-spheres. Theorem 5 Let n≥4 be an integer and let S be a linear stacked 2-sphere on n vertices. Then there exists a transversal T⊆V(S) of S using at most ⌈37n⌉ ve...
We present a method which reduces a family of problems in combinatorial geometry (concerning multiple intervals) to purely combinatorial questions about hypergraphs. The main tool is the Borsuk—Ulam theorem together with one of its extensions. For a positive integer d, a homogeneous d-interval is...
Angle Parts, Types & Applications in Real Life Types of Angles Lesson Plan for Elementary School Angles Lesson Plan Ordering Angles: Lesson for Kids Measuring Angles of Two- & Three-Dimensional Figures Consecutive Interior Angles | Overview, Theorem & Examples Same Side Interior Angles | Definition...
Geometry being a very dynamic segment of mathematics, holds a wide range of properties, theorems and initials. Lines and angles on the other hand are building blocks of geometry. Thus knowing all about the basics is a very important step towards understanding more complex concepts in geometry....
Kneser's theorem in q-calculus While difference equations deal with discrete calculus and differential equations with continuous calculus, so-called q-difference equations are considered... M Bohner,M Unal - 《Journal of Physics A General Physics》 被引量: 39发表: 2005年 ...
A line transversal to a family of convex objects in ℝ d is a line intersecting each member of the family. There is a rich theory of geometric transversals, see for instance the surveys of Danzer et al. [6], Eckhoff [