遥感图像语义分割与分类在城市规划、灾害监测、环境保护等领域具有重要应用。TransU-Net是一种结合了Transformer和U-Net架构的模型,能够有效捕捉长距离依赖关系和局部细节,适用于高分辨率遥感图像的语义分割任务。本项目旨在利用TransU-Net模型对不同城市的遥感建筑物数据集进行精准提取 项目结构 深色版本 remote_sensing_b...
1基于TransU-Net的多路径特征融合网络 本文提出了基于TransU-Net的多路径特征融合网络。网络的整体架构如图1所示。网络沿用了TransU-Net的设计,对TransU-Net运用了迁移学习的思想。该网络在解码器部分引入了多路径特征融合提取模块(Multi-Path Feature Fusion Extraction Model,MPFEM)来替换传统的3×3卷积和ReLU激活单...
对此,文章提出了一种基于TransU-Net网络模型的水体提取方法。其中,TransU-Net网络模型能够完整有效地对水体边缘和局部特征进行提取。实验结果表明,该方法优于基础UNet方法,提取精度相较基础UNet提高了3.63%,能够有效完成高分辨率遥感影像水体提取任务。 【总页数】3页(P45-47) 【作者】韩久春;袁啸宇;杜海峰;张玉明;...
In view of the highly variable shape and size of tumors, in order to improve the accuracy of segmentation, this paper proposes a U-Net-based hybrid variable structure鈥擱DCTrans U-Net for liver tumor segmentation in computed tomography (CT) examinations. We design a backbone netw...
TransU-Net++: Rethinking Attention Gated TransU-Net for Deforestation MappingAli Jamali, Swalpa Kumar Roy, Jonathan Li, and Pedram GhamisiCitationPlease kindly cite the paper if this code is useful and helpful for your research.@article{jamali2023transu, title = {TransU-Net++: Rethinking attenti...
Transclaw U-net Transformer Upsampling 摘要 In medical image analysis, the long-range spatial features are often not accurately obtained by the traditional convolutional neural networks. Hence, we propose a TransClaw U-Net network structure. The transformer part is added after three convolution operati...
KB3173666 - .NET Framework 3.5 je potreban kada konfigurišete SQL Server 2016 kao sekundarni u isporuci evidencije transakcija Applies To SQL Server 2016 Developer - duplicate (do not use)SQL Server 2016 ...