The meaning of TRANSPOSE is to change the relative place or normal order of : alter the sequence of. How to use transpose in a sentence. Did you know? Synonym Discussion of Transpose.
词条transpose在英语 » 德语中的译文 (跳至德语 » 英语) trans·pose[trænˈspəʊz,美-ˈspoʊz]动词trans 显示动词变位表 1. transpose书(swap): totransposesthnumbers etwvertauschen[o.umstellen] 单数在互联网中有5个示例复数在互联网中有5个示例 ...
To transpose music to another key, find the new target key on the circle of fifths and write the new key signature. Then write the new notes by using the same scale degree numbers used in the original music. The new key signature will apply to most notes in the transposition. However, ...
Loops through the columns by 2, and creates an array containing the port numbers. The second line matches the lines that contain the input error values. It then goes through the remaining columns, printing the port number from the above array followed by the value in that column. If you wa...
Type the following formula in cell B12. =TRANSPOSE(B4:D10) The TRANSPOSE Function returns the transpose of the array B4:D10, meaning it will convert the columns and rows of B4:D10 to rows and columns. Press ENTER, and you will see this operation transpose the whole dataset. You can ea...
1. Count the number of columns and rows in the original table For starters, find out how many columns and rows your source table contains. You will need these numbers in the next step. In this example, we are going to transpose the table that shows the volume of fresh fruit exports by...
the procedure to use the transpose matrix calculator is as follows: step 1: enter the 3×3 matrix in the input field step 2: now click the button “transpose matrix calculation” to get the result step 3: finally, the transpose matrix will be displayed in the output field what is ...
TRANSPOSE meaning: 1 : to change the position or order of (two things); 2 : to change (something) by giving it a different form, using it in a different place or situation, etc.
(Steven's point about the complex-numbers-as-2x2-matrices example is that this is a vector space whose coefficients are formally/actually real, so conjugation has no effect here.) adjoint has an algebraic meaning that's fundamental in lots of important domains intimately involving linear algebra...
Likewise the meaning of a skew-adjoint operator or unitary operator coincides with the way the terms are normally used in linear algebra. Note that we haven’t considered here the case of an M× N matrix with M≠N since then the domain and range spaces would be different, requiring a ...