Trans comes from the same Proto-Indo-European root, terê "pass over, through", that became in English through and thorough, not to mention thrill, which originally referred to a hole, as in the nose hole known as the nos-tril. Avatar "embodiment, symbol" comes from Sanskrit avatar, a ...
Array means the number of rows you want to transpose. The Excel Transpose Function is similar to the transposing data in the matrix in grade 10 mathematics. It transforms the first row into the first column and the second row into the second column. To insert an array formula in Excel, we...
Tool Options Word delimiter This symbol separates words in strings (\n by default) What Is a String Transposer? This tool transposes strings. It treats a string as a vector of words and rotates it by 90 degrees. It also lets you setup the symbol that separates words in a string. It's...
# 这行代码的作用是将next_symbol拼接到dec_input中,作为新一轮decoder的输入 dec_input =[dec_input.detach(), torch.tensor([[next_symbol]], dtype=enc_input.dtype).cuda()], -1) # dec_input: [1,当前词数] dec_outputs = model.decoder(dec_input, enc_input, enc_outputs) # d...