Transportation Theme Art Traffic Lights Materials Needed: Cardboard egg cartons (in sections of 3); craft sticks; paint; clay Provide red, yellow and green paint. Place craft stick into bottom. Once painted, place stick into a piece of clay as a base. These are great to use with cars, ...
Check out how beautiful, magical, and full of deep, play-based learning these preschool years can be right here:Play into Kindergarten Readiness. Just before we dive into our transportation theme, be sure to grab your FREE Number Formation Pack! These little number cards are so full of potent...
Transportation is an important part of everyday life, and as such is a topic many preschool aged children are interested in. A transportation theme not only teaches children about what different vehicles are for and how they work, but you can also use it to teach other important concepts such...
Free printable preschool worksheets tracing letters– practice handwriting while tracing letters with this fun transportation theme printable Preschool Construction Theme Printablesto practice a variety of math and literacy skills with a no prep activity for early learners. Transportation Playdough Mats– Kids...
The words are: bike, boat, bus, car, jet, taxi, train, tricycle, truck, van, and write another vehicle. Transportation Cut-and-Paste Picture DictionaryA short, printable picture dictionary of vehicles -- for early readers. The words are: bike, boat, bus, car, jet, taxi, train, ...
And Shiloh’s favorite, the train. Chug-a-chug-a-chug-a Choo-Choo!! We moved our hands back and forth in mini-circles at our sides and then reached up to pull the whistle. I’m totally serious when I say that she wanted to play for hours! Even after I had stopped playing she ...