Why not try teaching preschool children about the different types of travel or teaching a transport topic for preschool by using and building your own? Simpletransport lesson plansor theme activities can be based on vehicles like cars, trucks, boats, and airplanes using a variety of methods below...
The words are: bike, boat, bus, car, jet, taxi, train, tricycle, truck, van, and write another vehicle. Transportation Cut-and-Paste Picture DictionaryA short, printable picture dictionary of vehicles -- for early readers. The words are: bike, boat, bus, car, jet, taxi, train, ...
These freepom pom activity sheetsare a fun way for kids to work on color recognition, strengthening fine motor skills, matching colors, pincher grasp, and more! Use thesetransportation themealong with the freepom pom printablesand colorful balls to work on lots of skils while playing. Thistransp...
Kids can choose from a variety of different themes to color such as Seasonal, Holidays, Princess, Alphabet, Animals, and Dragons. Kids can use different theme coloring pages to cut out and add together to make a special theme all their own. ...