SAC Code GST Rate Chapter: Goods Transport Services Land transport services of Goods Road transport services of Goods including letters, parcels, live animals, household & office furniture, containers etc. by refrigerator vehicles, trucks, trailers, man or animal drawn vehicles or any other vehicles...
TaxationCodeEntity TaxationCodeSetupEntity TaxesMatrixEntity YearlyTaxCommunicationEntity YearlyTaxCommunicationSetupEntity TravelAndExpense HumanResources ProfessionalServices SupplyChain System Tables Common DataEntityView API reference How to create schema documents ...
TaxZakatLedgerItemCodeEntity TaxZakatLedgerReportIndexEntity TaxationCodeEntity TaxationCodeSetupEntity TaxesMatrixEntity YearlyTaxCommunicationEntity YearlyTaxCommunicationSetupEntity TravelAndExpense HumanResources ProfessionalServices SupplyChain System Tables Common DataEntityView API ...
USCS - United States Commercial Service - The mission of the United States Commercial Service (USCS) is to promote the export of goods and services from the United States, particularly by small- and medium-sized businesses; to represent U.S. business interests internationally; and to help U.S...