We determined an initial transport rate of 0.7 ± 0.2 nmol Cbi/mg protein/min (Fig. 1D and Suppl. Figure 2 ), with a 2-fold varia- bility in absolute rates depending on the proteoliposome batch. BtuCD-catalyzed Cbi transport was ATP- and BtuF-dependent, as was ...
Functional mimics of [FeFe]-hydrogenase have been very successful in optimizing the performance of the active site and the second coordination sphere. Recently, Darmon et al. have demonstrated that optimizing proton movement by tuning the outer coordination sphere can increase the rate of H2oxidation...
Under the effective mass approximation, the acoustic phonon scattering rate reads29 wnohne,rethωe LpO,olmarpoannedffαectairvee the angular frequency of mass and the carrier–LO the LO phonon pho- cou- pling constant, respectively. This expression is valid in the limit of weak electron–LO ...
This method has several advantages in comparison with the conventional ampoule method, since it avoids vaporization losses and allows control of the composition even at the high temperatures required for single-crystal growth. However, even at optimal conditions, the growth rate and the doping level ...
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Transport of Pb and Zn by carboxylate complexes in basinal ore fluids and related petroleum-field brines at 100 uC: the influence of pH and oxygen fugacity Thomas H. Giordano Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, MSC 3AB, Las Cruces NM 88003. E-mail: tgiordan@...
the present inventions provide a rubber composite having an abrasion resistance better than about 125 mm3 under DIN 53516 and comprising a natural rubber, between about 15 to about 25 parts per hundred rubber (PHR) of a butadiene, between about 20 to about 40 PHR of a silica; and between ...
It is well established through field observations, experiments, and chemical models that oxidation (redox) state and pH exert a strong influence on the speciation of dissolved components and the solubility of minerals in hydrothermal fluids. log –pH dia
Ward et al.24 studied reactive flow in the limit of high Ra in which the domain considered was deep, shallow or of intermediate depth, and for which the Da was respectively large, small or of order unity. For large Da the rapid reaction rate limits the plume depth and the boundary ...
While the effects of the sputtering power and oxygen flow rate result in a regular, predictable trend of the elec- tron concentration, it is important to note that a region exists where the maximum Hall mobility is obtained. At relatively low power levels near 20 W, the mobility values ...