Le Bus Direct takes anywhere between half an hour and an hour, because it can be taken from various points in the city, including the Eiffel Tower, Boulevard Pershing, Gare du Lyon, Etoile/Champs Elysées or Gare Montparnasse. So, if there is a long journey to one of the RER B ...
CDG Airport Terminal 2E 2F, CDG Airport Terminal 2A 2C 2D, CDG Airport Terminal 1, Gare de Lyon, Gare Montparnasse. Le Bus Direct 4 ticket pricing 2020:Adult ticket €18.00 one way or €31.00 return Child ticket (aged 4-11 years) €10.00 one way or €20.00 return Group (discount for...
Gare Austerlitz (13th): Central and Southwest France, Spain and Portugal. Gare de l'Est (10th): Eastern Europe Gare de Lyon (12th): Eastern and Southern France, Switzerland and Italy Gare St Lazare (8th): Basse-Normandie and Haute-Normandie Gare Montparnasse (15th): West and South-West ...
法國火車站介紹|巴黎里昂火車站 Paris Gare de Lyon,直奔南法、西班牙、義大利和瑞士 22 4 月, 2024 在法國,火車是法國跨城市的主要交通工具;不論旅 … 閱讀更多 法國交通|5個實用的法國交通工具統整,輕鬆規劃一趟完美的法式旅程 3 1 月, 2024Newer Posts Older Posts 法國熱門主題 巴黎| 諾曼第&布列塔尼尼...
巴黎里昂火车站(Gare de Lyon) 地址:place Louis Armand - 75012 Paris电话:+33 (0) 1 53 33 60 00 地铁:1号线,14号线这个火车站可是小编的最爱,因为这里开往法国东南部的列车主要从这里出发,所以踏进这里就等于半只脚踏进了蔚蓝海岸(Côte d'Azur)和阿尔卑斯山区(Alps),仿佛感受到了感受到了地中海的明...
Val d'Europe - Gare Routiere Bus Station, Les Villages Nature Paris, Campanile Val de France, Vienna House Magic Circus, Vienna House Dream Castle, Algonquin's Explorers Hotel, B&B Hotel, CDG Airport - Terminal 2E / 2F.Magical Shuttle Selected bus ticket prices:Adult €23.00 one wayChild (...
As you will discover from the night bus N144 maps and timetables, this now goes from Gare de Lyon - Diderot to Gare de Corbeil-Essonnes, although many plans still state the start point in Paris is Gare de l'Est so to get to that train station you would need to change bus lines, ho...