刚入的,游玩过程中遇到一点困惑: 用港口连接了俩石油原油,其中一个港口装载速度快的一批,shipment340+,油轮一艘接一艘;另一个港口装载速度慢的一批,shipment30+,一艘油轮搁那儿停了大半年还没装满; 所以求问这俩哪来的这么大差距?装载速度要怎么搞才能提升? 图没了。。。请自行脑补。 mersmeet 3-3 8 战...
boat or vessel longer than 28 consecutive hours without unloading them, in a humane manner, into properly equipped pens for rest, water and feeding for a period of at least five consecutive hours—was enacted in 1883, and updated in 1906, to regulate interstate shipment of livestock by ...
Fear of oil trains is nearing fever pitch, but the best alternative—pipelines—earn emotionally charged reactions as well. Take Politico’s thorough investigation of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, also published on April 21. Despite the great journalism it contains, editors...
103 TUEs of cargo 2015. The Nairobi depot and another in Kisumu are critical in easing congestion around the port of Mombasa because traders can move their cargo there as they await shipment to