About the Wiki TheTransport Fever 2Wiki is a collaborative work of the Transport Fever 2 development team atUrban Gamesand the Transport Fever 2 community. The Wiki aims to explain basic gameplay mechanics, but also provide advanced tips and tricks as well as background information about features...
Transport Fever 2 Website | You are here: Start » Release Notes releasenotesTable of Contents Release Notes Testing Stable Release NotesThis page contains a history of game update changes. TestingWhile the previous update is stabilized, there are some occasional beta versions either on Steam or...
Oh, and the game really needs to have more ground details than Train Fever- if you zoom up close, it’s really kinda off putting to see the bleak ground textures and no further details. On the Transport Fever screesnhots we can see stuff with more details, but a part of me is feari...
Beta测试的主要目标是(1)修复崩溃和(2)修复与Vulkan / MacOS相关的错误。与beta测试一样,它也会有一些小的改进。但是,此Beta不适用于功能请求或其他先前存在的错误。我们将beta版本发布到测试分支。有关如何切换到分支的信息,请参见wiki [transportfever2.com]。报告问题之前,请花一点时间搜索讨论论坛,并确保尚未...
Control Layout:Switch To Community Layout: My Own Layout 'Transport Fever 2 Touch-Menu', Zoom & Rotate Cam On R Stick, Numbers & Numpad On L Trackpad Touch Menu, A/B/X/Y For Play/Pause Demolish Lines Vehicles... Control Layout Customization:Other ...
For those of you interested in testing, please see the “Testing version” paragraph >in the Wiki<. We look forward to bringing this patch live soon and send the best wishes! Urban Games is working hard to further improve Transport Fever, with a particular focus on performance optimization. ...
代表啥意思,如何写出来的?soundsetutil.addTrackParam01(data, "vehicle/line3/idle2.wav", 25.0,{ { .00, 1.0 }, { .2, 0.1 },{ 1.000, 0.0 } }, { { .00, 1 }, { 1.0, 1 } }, "speed01") 12楼2021-08-12 22:39 收起回复 ...
The Timetable mod for Transport Fever 2. Contribute to IncredibleHannes/TPF2-Timetables development by creating an account on GitHub.
穆中无人 开始货运 7 蒸汽锅炉,用于列车供暖https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee_Road_class_EP-2 回复 举报|来自Android客户端6楼2017-07-13 10:06 123456789wwwqw 我很富有 8 因为这个车比较高级 回复 举报|来自Android客户端7楼2017-07-17 16:41 ...
MOD预告 - 金鹰..---嗯,3月1号发布本MOD。。。(不仔细看帖子发布时间,张口就要MOD的自己面壁去)。。这是预告。。目前部分小的场景配件还在建模中。---版权声明:原创MO