电脑内搜索 settings.lua 文件,找到后16M以上大地图解锁方式:打开修改使 experimentalMapSizes = true 可直接复制,修改后如果无效,以管理员身份再次修改即可 修改后地图比例会出现1:4和1:5 地图大小会出现巨大和自大狂选项~摘自吧内大神贴 来自iPhone客户端11楼2019-01-26 14:44 收起回复 喜...
As a celebration of the game Transport Fever 2 which will be released 11 Dec, 2019 here is the first mod. This will add an airplane the "Hawker 900XP" which will be introduced at the year 1983. This will fill the gap between the smaller and bigger airports that you need to upgrade....
关于游戏内大于16M..电脑内搜索 settings.lua 文件,找到后打开修改使 experimentalMapSizes = true 可直接复制,修改后如果无效,以管理员身份再次修改即可 修改后地图比例会出现
The Animals Asset Mod aims to bring more nature into Transport Fever 2. The mod adds cows, sheep and horses to the game making for more visually interesting areas when you move outside of its concrete jungles. Better RCI Colors Mod Transport Fever 2’s heatmaps are useful tools that help...
Free play offers a huge range of creative possibilities, while campaign mode re-writes transport history across three continents. Transport Fever 2 offers a choice of over 200 vehicles from Europe, America and Asia, modelled in extreme detail; and with the in-game map editor, you can re-crea...
[官方论坛搬运] 狂..功能介绍:1.可将导入的地形图转换为3d模型实时查看。2.使用编辑器导出的地图基本不会出现“梯田”“石林”等因为绘画处理不佳导致的诡异情况。3.在编辑器中可修改山脉高度,地表粗糙情况,连接面平滑,水平
Fixed tree generation in map editor for tropical climate Fixed truncation of earnings for large values Version 01.007.000 - Build 35615 (May 04, 2023) Improved localization Improved memory usage Improved texture streaming Fixed crash due to memory leak when building infrastructure ...
2.地图范围TPFMap Qinghai Lake 包括青海湖及其周围,尤其是西侧较为广阔的地区,包括青海湖的几大支流(只有extra large和v2.0两张图的支流是能够通航到所有有河道的城市的)、茶卡盐湖、希里沟湖等,北部边缘为祁连山脉,东南角为黄河(龙羊峡水库)TPFmap Qinghai Lake v2.0 较以上范围小一些,缺失了主要为青海湖西部...
本吧热帖: 1-中式橋樑模組缺失補救區 2-关于MOD,写给玩家的几句话。 3-【Transport Fever 2 28271 下载及更新日志】 4-南岭雪山区域地图1:3巨幅地图全新产业TNT(烟花)、汽车制造 5-求助!!如何让火车到站后不原地掉头 6-这是要宣布啥 7-最高速度只有4km/h 8-问问各位佬,