The classic transport simulation genre has a new gold standard with Transport Fever 2. Discover a whole new world by navigating transport routes through land, water and air. May progress and prosperity find their way!
The classic transport simulation genre has a new gold standard with Transport Fever 2. Discover a whole new world by navigating transport routes through...
名称:Transport Fever 2 类型:休闲,独立,模拟,策略 开发商:Urban Games 发行商:Good Shepherd Entertainment 系列:Good Shepherd Entertainment 发行日期:2019 年 12 月 11 日 访问网站查看手册查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论访问创意工坊查找社区组 嵌入
Transport Fever 2提供来自欧洲,美洲和亚洲的200多种车辆的选择,模仿极其详细;通过游戏中的地图编辑器,您可以从三个不同的气候区重新创建景观。最后,真实的运输和经济模拟器,以及全面的模型支持,完善了游戏体验。打开世界一个巨大的游戏世界正在等待您的铁路,公路车辆,飞机和船只。直观的交互式轨道施工工具和用于车站...
The classic transport simulation genre has a new gold standard with Transport Fever 2. Discover a whole new world by navigating transport routes through land, water and air. May progress and prosperity find their way! Provide the world with the transport infrastructure it needs and make a fortune...
【steam限时特惠】《Transport Fever 2》(狂热运输2)新史低优惠售价¥94,支持中文,好评率83%,截止日期6月26日。本作为经典的交通模拟类型游戏打造了新的标杆。在指挥地面、水域和空中各类交通线路的过程中,一个全新的世界将在您的面前徐徐展开。#游戏资讯# #游戏# L游戏班长的微博视频 ...
Transport Fever 2 Website | You are here: Start » Release Notes releasenotesTable of Contents Release Notes Testing Stable Release NotesThis page contains a history of game update changes. TestingWhile the previous update is stabilized, there are some occasional beta versions either on Steam or...
The original Transport Fever, has received quite a bit of praise from the Steam community with a "very positive" rating from reviews. You can also make the most of different climate zones with the map editor of Transport Fever 2 to create individual landscape...
Transport Fever 2 2 游戏平台 商品规格 支付方式 微信 支付宝 卷后 ¥60.00 HK$64.00¥136.00 -56% 数量: 立即购买加入购物车 点击立即购买代表您已同意《购买协议》 版本介绍 【标准版】=狂热运输2 国区激活码 ⒈Steam左下角点击:添加游戏>>在Steam上激活产品 ...
游戏名称:狂热运输2 英文名称:Transport Fever 2 游戏类型:模拟经营类(SIM)游戏 游戏制作:Urban ...