电脑内搜索 settings.lua 文件,找到后16M以上大地图解锁方式:打开修改使 experimentalMapSizes = true 可直接复制,修改后如果无效,以管理员身份再次修改即可 修改后地图比例会出现1:4和1:5 地图大小会出现巨大和自大狂选项~摘自吧内大神贴 来自iPhone客户端11楼2019-01-26 14:44 收起回复 喜...
The Animals Asset Mod aims to bring more nature into Transport Fever 2. The mod adds cows, sheep and horses to the game making for more visually interesting areas when you move outside of its concrete jungles. Better RCI Colors Mod Transport Fever 2’s heatmaps are useful tools that help...
关于游戏内大于16M..电脑内搜索 settings.lua 文件,找到后打开修改使 experimentalMapSizes = true 可直接复制,修改后如果无效,以管理员身份再次修改即可 修改后地图比例会出现
是不是这个:3W点transportfever点net 9楼2016-12-06 15:40 收起回复 秋溪山人 公交优先 10 我写了一个很简单的自定义地图查看器TF。它应该显示人工放置的城镇和产业,并允许您复制游戏中的坐标。有没有编辑功能,但它监视map.lua更改并更新与即时的新东西地图。说明:下载任何地图或创建一个与地图创建工具。在...
Free play offers a huge range of creative possibilities, while campaign mode re-writes transport history across three continents. Transport Fever 2 offers a choice of over 200 vehicles from Europe, America and Asia, modelled in extreme detail; and with the in-game map editor, you can re-crea...
Free play offers a huge range of creative possibilities, while campaign mode re-writes transport history across three continents. Transport Fever 2 offers a choice of over 200 vehicles from Europe, America and Asia, modelled in extreme detail; and with the in-game map editor, you can re-crea...
Three years seems about enough time to pin-point the shortcomings that stop a good game from being great. Have Urban Games managed to do just that, and is their new Transport Fever 2 a game to match the legendary Transport Tycoon?
First of all, in the default “endless mode” on Train Fever, the game does “end” when the whole game becomes laggy and unplayable within the growth of cities and populations, the only way out is to abandon the old map and create a new one. ...
The Transport Fever 2 adventure keeps going on and we are very excited to share our future plans with you. The team is grateful for all the feedback and comments players shared in the past few months after announcing the “Summer Update”. We truly want to make the best out of the game...
[官方论坛搬运] 狂..功能介绍:1.可将导入的地形图转换为3d模型实时查看。2.使用编辑器导出的地图基本不会出现“梯田”“石林”等因为绘画处理不佳导致的诡异情况。3.在编辑器中可修改山脉高度,地表粗糙情况,连接面平滑,水平