An error j..昨晚刚在steam平台上购买的Transport Fever 2,下载完打开的时候总是报错(如图),已经试过卸载游戏重装和卸载steam重装,还是不行,请问应该怎么办,多谢各位大佬啦
This was my first time trying Transport Fever 2 on the A750. If it is, what is the recent changes made on your computer before the issue occurred? Version of the mentioned games installed on your PC: I have the most up to date version from Steam. App ID: 1066780, Build I...
狂热运输2 报错无法进入游戏 onelyh 太久没玩狂热运输2,今天想回味一下这个游戏却发现进不去游戏。启动游戏的时候一直提示这个“An error just occurred.”报错。 在网上查找了各种解决方法,也问某宝技术人员,尝试了很多种方法无果。包括卸载重新装游戏,修改源文件。 最后看到“文件权限缺失”这个提示,查找了方法,...
本吧热帖: 1-中式橋樑模組缺失補救區 2-关于MOD,写给玩家的几句话。 3-【Transport Fever 2 28271 下载及更新日志】 4-为什么站台是蓝色的,是模组冲突吗?求大佬解答谢谢 5-站内点折返的后果 6-这游戏有票价吗? 7-有没有喜欢玩航空的 8-开工建设自己心中的铁路 9-谁有复
This was my first time trying Transport Fever 2 on the A750. If it is, what is the recent changes made on your computer before the issue occurred? Version of the mentioned games installed on your PC: I have the most up to date version from Steam. App ID: 1066780, Build ID: 13000625...
This was my first time trying Transport Fever 2 on the A750. If it is, what is the recent changes made on your computer before the issue occurred? Version of the mentioned games installed on your PC: I have the most up to date version from Steam. App ID: 1066780, Build ID: 13000625...
I open the game, load the save file, play for 1min 30secs, then the game freezes, the screen goes black, and a small window pops up that says "Internal error. An error has just occurred." Sometimes after pressing "OK" another window will pop up asking if I want to save cras...
I open the game, load the save file, play for 1min 30secs, then the game freezes, the screen goes black, and a small window pops up that says "Internal error. An error has just occurred." Sometimes after pressing "OK" another window will pop up asking if I want to save cra...
This was my first time trying Transport Fever 2 on the A750. If it is, what is the recent changes made on your computer before the issue occurred? Version of the mentioned games installed on your PC: I have the most up to date version from Steam. App ID: 1066780, Build ID...
This was my first time trying Transport Fever 2 on the A750. If it is, what is the recent changes made on your computer before the issue occurred? Version of the mentioned games installed on your PC: I have the most up to date version from Steam. App ID: 1066780, Build ID...