As a celebration of the game Transport Fever 2 which will be released 11 Dec, 2019 here is the first mod. This will add an airplane the "Hawker 900XP" which will be introduced at the year 1983. This will fill the gap between the smaller and bigger airports that you need to upgrade....
【Mod修改】恢复m..最近发现,Transport Fever(TPF)加载 Train Fever(TF)的车辆mod时,会出现错误,导致游戏跳出,如下所示:(图示为HXD3D)据吧友表示,把这个lua文件删掉可以正常加
2 3 4 5 Weiter Letzte Für das VorgängerspielTransport Feverhaben wir 175 verschiedene Mods mit vielen verschiedenen Modelle zumkostenlosen Downloadherausgegeben. Einblicke in unsere aktuellen Projekte und Bilder aus der Entwicklung findet ihr beiTwitter,Mastodonoder auf unseremDiscord-Server. ...
guest Free plan | Upgrade account_circle My profile My mods My collections image My media account_balance_wallet My wallet Tracking centre history Download history Give Feedback settings Account settings tune Site preferences exit_to_app Sign out ...
Transport.Fever.2.v1.0.Plus.3.Trainer-FLiNG2019-12-11 14:11628 KB25532 Tags:Transport Fever 2 Subscribe Please login to comment 15Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments Hello, since the last update (spring update May 10th, 2020) the following settings are not working anymore: Edit Money...
game.config.earnAchievementsWithMods = false 使用mod获得成就。本行参数默认关闭,可以修改为打开(true)。打开后使用mod将仍然可以获得成就。战役模式与自由模式均可修改使用。game.config.industryButton = false 工业按钮。本行参数默认关闭(false),可以修改为打开(true)。选择打开后你可以在游戏的地形工具按钮后面...
1. 首先找到steam创意工坊mod的安装位置,一般在游戏库的 steamapps\workshop\content,根据游戏的ID(狂热运输2是1066780)确认相关文件夹。2. 打开它的属性,打开“安全”选项卡,点开“高级”,在最上面更改所有者,改成 everyone(输入 e 然后点检查名称就行了),然后勾选 “替换子容器和对象的所有者”,点击应用。
In Train Fever there was an American truck that had different looks depending on what it carried (oil version had an oil tank on the back) Why not do that with all trucks. for example: The oil version of the European 40 ton truck was still a box truck, why not have a tanker trailer...
本吧信息 查看详情>> 吧主 TheRainbow 小吧:小吧主共5人 会员: 运输迷 目录: 单机与主机游戏 | 申请小吧主 自定义链接 狂热运输1购买地址 狂热运输2DLC购买地址 狂热运输2购买地址 友情贴吧 transportfever 都市天际线 都市运输2 都市运输 omsi 发表...