Transport Fever 2contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages. To continue, please provide your date of birth View ourprivacy policy MM DD YYYY Back to StoreContinue Overview Add-Ons Achievements Available Achievements ...
tractiveEffort是载具牵引力,影响载具载重; 想使用MOD又能得到成就,那就要去Transport Fever2\res\config里用记事本打开base_config.lua,找到game.config.earnAchievementsWithMods = false就将 false改为 true,具体改法如下game.config.earnAchievementsWithMods =true 因为战役太耗时间了,所以小编还没开始攻略,等有时间...
Transport Fever 2: Console Edition 2,963 1,000 61 4.39 1,426 16 (1%) Here is the full list of all 61 Transport Fever 2: Console Edition achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. Filter Hide ads Share Achievement list Game Information
Explore game Transport Fever 2 | PLAYSTATION for console from the official PlayStation website.Check out Transport Fever 2 | PLAYSTATION features, news, videos, screen shots, and buy the game now from PlayStation Store.
The classic transport simulation genre has a new gold standard with Transport Fever 2. Discover a whole new world by navigating transport routes through land, water and air. May progress and prosperity find their way! Provide the world with the transport infrastructure it needs and make a fortune...
Den klassiska genren med transportsimulatorer har en ny guldstandard i form av Transport Fever 2. Ge världen den infrastruktur för transport den behöver och tjäna en förmögenhet på skräddarsydda transporttjänster. Upptäck en
另外使用mod也可获得成就请将base_config.lua中achievements with mod=true 打开 。沙盒模式sandbox button 和自建工厂industry button也是同样方式打开,这样可以节约两个mod。具体方法精品贴里有 来自Android客户端6楼2020-11-14 23:58 回复 落花委青苔 飞机优先 13 ...
The classic transport simulation genre has a new gold standard with Transport Fever 2. Discover a whole new world by navigating transport routes through land, water and air. May progress and prosperity find their way! Provide the world with the transport infrastructure it needs and make a fortune...
The classic transport simulation genre has a new gold standard with Transport Fever 2. Discover a whole new world by navigating transport routes through land, water and air. May progress and prosperity find their way! Provide the world with the transport infrastructure it needs and make a fortune...
News & Updates (2) Discussions (0) Videos (0) Steam Achievements (61) November 07, 2019 – CraigBGP Team Transport Fever 2 coming to PC on December 11th, new trailer releasesd! Good Shepherd Entertainment gets the coal burning as the upcoming simulation...