elasticsearch生成索引时报transport client is closed 关于elasticsearch生成索引时报transport client is closed,的解决方案。 首先,代码开始写的时候并没有报这个错,运行一段时间后,就报这个错了。所以问题很难定位,因为如果是代码本身就有错误,开始的时候就应该出现问题。 开始,提出两点问题原因: 1)服务器的配置 2)...
If the client is already closed, the function shall do nothing. Throws: java.io.IOException - if the connection to an IoT Hub cannot be closed. open public void open() Creates a deviceIO and sets it to all the device client. Verifies all device client's SAS tokens and renew them if...
is closingerrors on the client when making unary RPCs to our server (usually after ~5 minutes of inactivity). Most of the time, our server would not even get the request from the client, so we thought some other component in between should be causing the connections to be closed. ...
(四)AbstractClient 该类是客户端的抽象类,继承了AbstractEndpoint类,实现了Client接口,该类中也是做了客户端公用的重连逻辑,抽象了打开客户端、关闭客户端、连接服务器、断开服务器连接以及获得通道方法,让子类去重点关注这几个方法。 1.属性 /** * 客户端线程名称 */ protected static final String CLIENT_THREAD...
(TAG, "Client Connected!"); // mmSocket = mmDevice.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuid); Toast.makeText(this, "before connect", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // mmSocket.connect(); Toast.makeText(this, "before stream", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); mmOutputStream = mmSocket....
==> Transport endpoint is not connected attacher logs I0208 14:55:53.304459 1 reflector.go:535] k8s.io/client-go/informers/factory.go:134: Watch close - *v1.PersistentVolume total 0 items received I0208 14:59:03.311025 1 reflector.go:535] k8s.io/client-go/informers/factory.go:134: Watc...
Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and later versions of Windows natively support TLS 1.2 for client-server communications over WinHTTP. Earlier versions of Windows, such as Windows 7 or Windows Server 2012, don't enable TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 by default for...
Client communications to IIS-based site server roles when the role is configured to use HTTPS. Examples of these roles include distribution points, software update points, and management points. Management point, SMS Executive, and SMS Provider communications with SQL. Configuration Manager always ...
spark报错ERROR client.TransportResponseHandler: Still have 1 requests outstanding when connection from,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
_SSLProtocolTransport.is_closing should match its inner _SelectorTransport.is_closing, indicating to the user that the transport is actually closed instead of silently logging an error. Description I've been using the aio-libs library aiohttp in production together with its WebSocket client implement...