ReverseChargeSalesListEntity TMSStandardTransportationCommodityCodeEntity TaxAgentEntity TaxAgreementLineTransTaxInformationEntity TaxAllowedExemptCodesForIPIEntity TaxAuthorityEntity TaxAuthorityOKATOEntity_RU TaxBenefitCodeTypeEntity TaxBranchEntity TaxBusinessVerticalsEntity TaxCodeEntity TaxCodeExt...
The kinetic energy cut-off for the wave function and the charge density was set to 85 Ry and 850 Ry respectively. The thermoelectric transport parameters were calculated from the energy band dispersion based on a solution to the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) with a constant relaxation ...
Charge Accumulation at InAs Surfaces. Phys Rev Lett 76, 3626–3629 (1996). 12. Karlsson, H. S., Viselga, R. & Karlsson, U. O. Electron accumulation at the InAs(110) cleavage surface. Surf Sci 402–404, 590–594 (1998). 13. Pryor, C. E. & Pistol, M.-E. Band-edge diagrams...
From the quotient between the charge transfer of a GDP and of spontaneous GABAergic postsynaptic currents at a holding potential (VHold) of 0 mV it was estimated that 101 GABAergic inputs underlie a GDP [45]. To compensate for the space-clamp problems during a GDP, that were not ...