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Microsoft IT used the Security Configuration Wizard template to harden the Edge Transport server configuration. Additionally, Microsoft IT worked with the operations, security, and engineering teams to design a security-enhanced configuration of Edge Transport servers. In the security review, Microsoft IT...
Set!Softkey!Template!=!Standard!User.!This!is!used!in!this!example.! ! ! ! ©!2015!Cisco!Systems,!Inc.!All!rights!reserved.! !Important!notices,!privacy!statements,!and!trademarks!of!Cisco!Systems,!Inc.!can!be!found!on!! !EDCS#!xxx!Rev!#!! Page!59!of!160! Note:!
Where there is an imbalanced market: – Intervention to support the development of template qual- ity codes is appropriate to support the balancing of cus- tomer and supplier in sectors where there is a significant distortion or imbalance, e.g. provision of infrastructure or oligopolistic sectors ...
Figure 2. (left) Needs of quantitative methods in different urban design stages; (right) The most used tools (word size reflects the number of respondents who mentioned it). Figure 3. The indicators that should be quantified in an urban plan evaluation. As for the limitations of existing...
Game theory and the Golden Template algorithm were integrated with the purpose to investigate urban mobility [30]. The relevant intersections were chosen as players. Two game models were studied, one for public transport operators, and the other on the number of passengers. The model permits us ...