South East Queensland First up, Brisbane medians distances by home SA1: The longest median distances can be found in some low density suburban areas around Jimboomba, Yarrabilba, New Beith, Lowood, and the Lockyer Valley. Some relatively long median distances were also seen around Ormeau and...
Technical note: for South East Queensland I’ve measured distances from the Brisbane CBD. Outer growth areas were much more dense than the rest of each city at most distances from the city centre, except in Sydney. One issue with the above chart is that different distance intervals have diffe...
Cheap Parajumpers sell their never educated fashion. He went to business school, he even had a brief army. Then, while working as a salesman, he opened his own shop in the men's tie. He expanded his collection of men's polo began to emphasize the range of T-shirts and casual clothing...
Also read Eryk Bagshaw in the Fairfax press, Jonathan Jackson in Finfeed, and a piece in Business Insider where the Commonwealth Bank state that 17% of recently built dwellings are left unoccupied (not sure how that was calculated). What are the dwelling occupancy rates in Australian cities?
South East Queensland was second to Perth in terms of urban growth remote from stations, with a lot of the growth scattered rather than concentrated around rail corridors. I haven’t included the Gold Coast light rail in my proximity calculation – it runs at an average speed of 27 km/h ...
Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072 QLD, Australia 2 Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, Delft 2628 BL, The Netherlands * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mails: (...