(1993). Transport, Logistics, Environment and Integration in the Baltic Sea Area. In: Lundqvist, L., Persson, L.O. (eds) Visions and Strategies in European Integration. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-78178-0_12 Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps...
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Advanced Solutions for System Integrators in Transport and Logistics Efficient and effective material handling systems are essential for businesses to remain competitive in today's market. As a professional in this field, you are aware of the complex challenges that arise during the design and implemen...
With some 450.000 shipments a year, Transport is one of the biggest forwarders in Europe and abroad and is particularly active in transport & logistics services. To satisfy customer-specific wishes, we supplements its own ultra-modern fleet and network with an extensive network of subcontractors ...
Download PDF(4452KB)View Article Original article Toward implementing a fully automated truck guidance system at a seaport: identifying the roles, costs and benefits of logistics stakeholders Valentin Carlan,Dries Naudts,Pieter Audenaert…Article:12 ...
Haulier/road haulier: the person or organization that carries out the road transport part within the transport and logistics chain. He is responsible for the first mile transport from the consignor/shipper to the terminal and/or the last mile transport from the terminal to the consignee/receiver....
Transportation & Logistics› Water Transport Number of coastal transportation vessels in Japan 2014-2023 Published by , Sep 17, 2024 As of March 2024, Japan counted 5,065 non-international coastal vessels, decreasing from 5,260 ships in the previous year. While the number of vessels ...
Urban transport and logistics are generally characterised as the range of activities involved in routing the incoming and outgoing distribution of goods and passengers within an urban area, while reducing congestion by providing the highest quality with minimal travel cost and time to satisfy the ultima...
Port performance evaluation and selection in the Physical Internet Patrick B.M. Fahim, Jafar Rezaei, Benoit Montreuil, Lorant Tavasszy Pages 83-94 View PDF select article Modelling logistics for freight transport policy analysis EditorialNo access ...