Ong WL, Weerakoon M, Huang S, Paul E, Lawrentschuk N, Frydenberg M, Moon D, Murphy D and Grummet J: Transperineal biopsy prostate cancer detection in first biopsy and repeat biopsy after negative transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy: The victorian transperineal biopsy collaboration experience. ...
Earlier this year,Badar M. Mian,MD,urologic surgeon at Albany Medical Center, and colleagues published results of the Prostate Biopsy Efficacy and Complications randomized clinical trial inThe Journal of Urology. The findings showed no differences in cancer detection or infection ...
TransperinealProstateBiopsy一、Introduction二、PreoperativePreparationAndPlanning三、OperativeTehnique四、postoperativecareandcomplication 五、TipsAndTricks 3Copyright?2012AndyGuo.Allrightsreserved。/9ippt一、Introduction asafeandaccuratebiopsytechniqueisessentialforthemanagementofprostatecancer.theriskofentericfloratransloca...
Transperineal prostate biopsy is re-emerging after decades of being an underused alternative to transrectal biopsy guided by transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). Factors driving this change include possible improved cancer detection rates, improved sampling of the anteroapical regions of the prostate, a red...
Template-guided transperineal prostate biopsy has been retrospectively investigated to evaluate the technique for patients with persistently increased PSA despite 2鈥 8 prior negative biopsies. 34 men received the template-guided procedure, with cancer detected in 50% of patients; a large proportion of ...
In this video,Matthew J. Allaway, MD,assesses the differences between the transrectal and transperineal approaches to prostate biopsy and the overall advantage of the transperineal biopsy in detecting cancer and preventing infection. Allaway is the founder and president of Perinealogic, and a urologi...
“In this study, we sought to compare our early outcomes with transperineal prostate biopsy compared to transrectal,” says Saum B. Ghodoussipour, MD. 一、Introduction asafeandaccuratebiopsytechniqueisessentialforthemanagementofprostatecancer.theriskofentericfloratranslocationviathetransrectalultrasound-guided(TRUS)biopsiesisapersistentsafetyissue,growingonlymoreimportantwithincreasingantibioticresistance.theadventoftemplate-guidedtransper...
Ultrasound-guided transperineal24-core saturation prostate biopsy is superior to the14-core scheme in detectingprostatecancerinpatientswithPSA <20μg/L National Journal of Andrology / Zhonghua NankexueZhang Feng-boShao QiangDu YuanTian Ye
3) Prostate biopsy 前列腺穿刺 1. The clinical value of transrectal ultrasound guided systematic 13 core prostate biopsy in prostate cancer diagnosis and stage; 前列腺穿刺活检在前列腺癌诊断及分期中的临床意义 2. The peri-operational treatment of patients undergoing ultrasound guided transrectal ...