Example 1 shows how to export a ggplot2 plot with transparent rectangle elements.For this, we can use the theme function and the rect argument as shown below:ggp_transparent1 <- ggp + # Make background transparent theme(rect = element_rect(fill = "transparent"))...
To create aggplot2visualization with a transparent background, we need to set the value of two theme elements,panel.backgroundandplot.background. We need to set theirfillandcolorproperties toNAusing theelement_rect()function, as shown in the sample code. The first plot shows the difference bet...
library(ggplot2)library(dplyr)p1<-ggplot(InsectSprays,aes(x=spray,y=count))+geom_boxplot(fill="pink")+scale_x_discrete(name="Number of babies")+ggtitle("Title of the Plot")+annotate("rect",xmin=1,xmax=3,ymin=0,ymax=max(InsectSprays$count),alpha=.2,fill="orange")p1 ...
Example 2: Drawing Plot with Transparent Points Using ggplot2 Package The following code explains how to adjust the point opacity in aggplot2 graph. If we want to use the functions of the ggplot2 package, we first need to install and load ggplot2: install.packages("ggplot2")# Install ggpl...