VIETNAMTRANSPARENCY in governmentLOCAL governmentPOLITICAL participationGOVERNMENT accountabilityPUBLIC administrationWhile it is only one of the features of good local governance, the transparency of local government promotes citizen participation, enhances accountability, enforces the rule of law, social ...
According to Apple, a "vast majority" of apps removed in China violated gambling or pornography laws, while takedown requests in Vietnam pertained to illegal gambling and unlicensed gaming app investigations. "All or vast majority" of requests in Austria, the Netherlands, N...
Asia Pacific had an average regional score of 45, with Afghanistan (20), Myanmar (20) and North Korea (17) ranked the lowest in the region. Vietnam has increased eight points since 2018 to score 41 (although it declined a point since 2022), although it remains some way behind the regio...
These results from country-level analyses should not be interpreted as a causal impact of explanatory variables on real estate market transparency: the analyses in this study have not perfectly controlled for local and regional factors within each country that possibly drive real estate market ...
Vietnam 2.9 118 Bolivia 2.8 118 Mali 2.8 120 Bangladesh 2.7 120 Ecuador 2.7 120 Ethiopia 2.7 120 Guatemala 2.7 120 Iran 2.7 120 Kazakhstan 2.7 120 Mongolia 2.7 120 Mozambique 2.7 120 Solomon Islands 2.7 129 Armenia 2.6 129 Dominican Republic 2.6 129 Honduras 2.6 129 Philippines 2.6 129 Syria...
military personnelmissinginthe Korean or Vietnamese war; (h) ceasing the jamming [...] [...] and Biological Arms)所採納的導彈科技管制制度與管 制措施;(f)遵守㆗英聯合聲明;(g)與美國合作,就韓戰或越戰㆗失蹤美軍的㆘落,提 供合理解釋;(h)停止干擾「美國之音」...
Aug 31, 2021: County of Orange Launches ARPA and CARES Act Website (English with Spanish and Vietnamese translations) Public Workshops ARPA Overview ARPA Summary Reports ARPA Project and Expenditure (P&E) Reports ARPA Recovery Plan Performance Reports ...
GE HealthCare’s approach to anti-corruption compliance includes: • Corporate policies and procedures that prohibit improper payments in every transaction, whether with a government or with a private party • Extensive controls, including thorough due diligence, careful screening and training on GE...
US politicians lied their way into Vietnam and into Iraq… If they could hoodwink the credulous electorate in the internet age then there is little hope for the USA. wiredog•May 14, 2013 6:19 AM Given the uproar overthe AP storymaybe we won’t be stampeded this time. ...
In Proceedings of the PACIS, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 11–15 July 2012; p. 69. [Google Scholar] Anand, A.; McKibbin, M.; Pichel, F. Colored Coins: Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Land Administration. In Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. 2015. Available online: https:/...