The meaning of TRANSNATIONAL is extending or going beyond national boundaries. How to use transnational in a sentence.
The meaning of TRANSNATIONAL is extending or going beyond national boundaries. How to use transnational in a sentence.
The 1975 conference laid the foundations for the first International Women’s Health Meeting (24–27 June 1977). Promoted and organised mainly by the GFSD in collaboration with the CSL, the event brought activists from 17 European and non-European countries to the Italian capital and focused on...
However, the performative functionality of the collective dictionary action at the Balatonboglár meeting differed from the abstraction of these multilingual glossaries that addressed the unspecified recipient of works circulating in the international network of mail art. The displayed Czech, Slovak, and H...
Tokyo-Konvention der Vereinten Nationen von 1963, die Fragen zur Rechtsposition eines Flugzeugs und seiner Passagiere im internationalen Raum regelte. Vgl. Tokyo-Konvention von 1963, online unter: http://untreaty., Abruf vom 20.5.2009. Die Verknüpfung von...
The international reality is that legal procedures are stacked against Third-World victims: while multinational companies have a legal ‘super high-way’ to take them to the destination they want to reach in their litigation, the victims have to make do with the legal equivalent of a jungle tra...
In international relations, NGOs are often considered as speaker of the public and thus as legitimate representatives of civil society and public interests because they are non-profit organizations, which orient their actions on the common good (Take, 2000). The international regime database of the...
Public health concerns relating to international investment liberalization have centred on the potential for investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS)-related regulatory chill. However, the broader political and economic dimensions that shape the relationship between the international investment regime and non-...
“TheFeminizationof International MigrationandIts Effects on theChildrenLeftBehind:Evidencefromthe Philippines.”World Development65: 62–78.Deneva, Neda.2012.“TransnationalAgingCarers:OnTransformationof KinshipandCitizenshipintheContextof MigrationamongBulgarianMuslimsin Spain.”SocialPolitics19, no.1: 105–...
National boundaries are porous thanks to affordable international travel, interconnecting transnational diasporas, flourishing global trade and advances in information technology. OUATIC has sustained its inter- national presence through re-releases in successive media formats. The inescapabilty of the ...