在客户端访问服务端的 9091 端口打不开 检查firewalld 是否启动,需要检查 tcp 9091 端口是否放行。注意transmission 需要在一个端口(默认51413)监听,必须在 firewalld 中放行 tcp、udp 的这个端口。 sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=transmission-client, 这个transmission-client 估计是在安装 transmiss...
trouble shooting 在客户端访问服务端的 9091 端口打不开 检查firewalld 是否启动,需要检查 tcp 9091 端口是否放行。注意transmission 需要在一个端口(默认51413)监听,必须在 firewalld 中放行 tcp、udp 的这个端口。 sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=transmission-client, 这个transmission-client 估计...
utorrent - https://github.com/scttcper/utorrent Start a test docker container docker run -d \ --name=transmission \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -e TZ=Etc/UTC \ -p 9091:9091 \ -p 51413:51413 \ -p 51413:51413/udp \ -v ~/Documents/transmission/config:/config \ -v ~/Doc...
执行以下docker cli命令 docker run\-d\--name=transmission\-eUSERNAME=admin\-ePASSWORD=admin\-ePUID=1000\-ePGID=1000\-eTRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME=/transmission-web-control/web\-p 9091:9091\-p 51413:51413\-p 51413:51413/udp\-v /sda1/transmission/transmission-web-control:/transmission-web-control\...
TCP>S01060026f3182830.rd.shawcable.net:49243 (ESTABLISHED) transmiss 31382 felipec 34u IPv4 2294819 0t0 TCP> (ESTABLISHED) transmiss 31382 felipec 35u IPv4 2293080 0t0 TCP>c-65-96-201-184.hsd...
-netdev user,id=net0,net=,hostfwd=tcp: \ -device virtio-net,netdev=net1 -netdev user,id=net1,net= check: # opkg update # opkg install transmission-daemon transmission-cli
NAT-PMP does not open UDP Port. Test: Turn off UPNP on router. Turn On NAT-PMP on router. See Router Log. UDP Port is not opened! Evidence: The latest trunk as of r13682 does not use the key NATPMP_PROTOCOL_UDP at all. The NATPMP_PROTOCOL_TCP key is used in various places...
Regardless whether this is L2TP, SSTP, or OpenVPN (tcp / udp), what I believe the "peer listening port" configuration is in any bittorrent client is basically a way to let other peers know how to establish an inbound connection to you, without you having been the one who initially creat...
accepted values for this option are tcp or udp. Probably you've messed your settings https://haugene.github.io/docker-transmission-openvpn/nordvpn-script/ so in your case it should be smth like: NORDVPN_COUNTRY=CH NORDVPN_CATEGORY=p2p NORDVPN_PROTOCOL=udp That's weird coz it has been ...
-p 51413:51413Torrent Port TCP -p 51413:51413/udpTorrent Port UDP -e PUID=1000for UserID - see below for explanation -e PGID=1000for GroupID - see below for explanation -e TZ=Etc/UTCspecify a timezone to use, see thislist.