我正在构建一个翻译应用程序,在将最终翻译分配给存储该翻译的变量时遇到困难,因为我想在其他地方使用它。代码: import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:translator/translator.dart'; void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends Statel...
Since release V0.3.9 there is a new GUI powered by flet (a python-flutter framework) on folder ./GUI There is an artifact for linux and windows in the lastest github actions run. Package from source if you prefer to pack your own you could go to GUI folder, install the requirements ...
Create a export_json.dart file in your bin. Add this code to your export_json.dart: void main() { test('', () { languageData.exportJson('./assets/resources'); }); } Add the missing imports. Run flutter test ./bin/export_json.dart. The JSON will be generated in this path: asse...
In theory, I should have received a package in the mail that day, which I’d instructed the mail person to leave on the doorstep. However, there was no package on the doorstep, so I assumed it hadn’t arrived after all. When I took some trash out, I finally did find the package ...
Dear Freelancers I'm Looking for a flutter developer to customize my app for me and integrate it with the backend also to prepare the app for me and to setup for me a google cloud account for the Goog… Under $250技术与编程Guru海外 ...
package_info_plus: ^8.1.0 # preload_page_view: ^0.2.0 sqflite: ^2.4.0 # expansion_tile_group: ^2.1.0 flutter_tts: ^4.2.0 fluttertoast: ^8.2.8 share_plus: ^10.1.1 in_app_review: ^2.0.9 in_app_purchase: ^3.2.0 ...
types.ts utils.ts .eslintignore .eslintrc.cjs .gitignore .prettierignore .prettierrc.mjs AppList.md AppListTemplate.md CONTRIBUTING.md README.md Template.md commitlint.config.cts package.json pnpm-lock.yaml tsconfig.jsonBreadcrumbs GKD_subscription /src /apps / com.youdao...
flutter 桌面版还不太成熟。我更擅长 js 开发。 截屏依赖本地系统,这是目前浏览器做不到的。 最后只有 js 类跨平台方案,我选择了较为成熟,使用最多的 electron。 A JavaScript error occurred in the main process 这是主进程报错,可能由于各种原因导致,真正有用的错误信息是下面的具体错误,并且是代码错误。
supabase-js supabase-flutter supabase-swift supabase-py supabase-csharp supabase-ktFAQsAre you parsing SQL from scratch?Thankfully no. We use libpg-query-node which takes source code from the real PostgreSQL parser and wraps it in JavaScript bindings. It compiles the C code into WASM for brow...
types.ts utils.ts .eslintignore .eslintrc.cjs .gitignore .prettierignore .prettierrc.mjs AppList.md AppListTemplate.md CONTRIBUTING.md README.md Template.md commitlint.config.cts package.json pnpm-lock.yaml tsconfig.jsonBreadcrumbs GKD_subscription /src /apps / com.youdao....