The company i work for is looking to utilize the Bing Translator API into our mobile sync app. I have three general questions about the Bing Translator API 1. Is there any cost to leveraging Bing Translator in a Windows, Android, or iOS application? 2. What are the limitations or requirem...
此外,微软翻译为开发者开放API接口,便于集成到第三方软件或服务中,适合企业或技术开发者调用。 必应翻译(Bing Translator)的官网为。其特色功能包括网页翻译、图片翻译和语音翻译。例如,用户可粘贴网页链接直接翻译整个页面内容,或上传图片自动识别文字并翻译,还...
本api用于获取Bing每日一图,可随机抽取最近8天图片 API请求地址: 本...
Bing Translator(必应翻译)是微软开发的在线翻译工具,支持100多种语言的文本、网页、图片及语音翻译。其核心优势在于采用神经
文本 翻译工具 对话 应用 商用版 帮助 我们检测到你电脑或网络的流量高于往常。请键入下面的字符以继续翻译。 输入你看到的字符。 新 | 语音 字母不区分大小写。© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈翻译语气
Key API Features Natively Neural –Use modern neural machine translation (NMT) as default for allsupported languages. NMT technology has transformed machine translation, providing major advances in translation quality over the existing industry-standard statistical machine translation (SMT) technology. NMT ...
The interesting thing I’ve found is that only Bingactually has a supported API into its translation service. There are 3 primary ways to interact with the service: ViaHTTP ViaSOAP ViaAJAX They all seem to expose the same methods but it’s just the way you call them that differs. ...
Click the Dictionary icon, and you will see a translation of the word, and an “Examples” tab providing example sentences of the highlighted word. How to translate an email The quickest way to translate the occasional email is to copy and paste the text in ...
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