For example, if you have three separate servers that provide services on different ports (such as FTP, HTTP, and SMTP), you can give external users a single IP address to access those services. You can then configure stat...
then they can visualize the story in their respective data access language however of the translation is not available in that language then it will fallback to the source language and story will open in the source language
Questioner C: What was the breakdown of growth rates for domestic and overseas sales in the Services segment? Mr. Ogura: On a geographic basis including intersegment sales, first-quarter growth rates in the Services segment were as follows: Japan: 6%; EMEA: 21%; the Americas: 6% and APAC...
Lifting apparatus comprising a wheel on which is wound a flexible link provided with a load-taking member, and an anti-fall device, characterized in that said device comprises: - a cam (8) integral in rotation with the wheel, consisting of a flat plate and having active portions (12) ...
We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. Show details Deny Allow all...
social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services....
significant finance, there is a risk that it can distortorskewthegoals of sustainable forest management to the detriment of other goodsandservices. 我们的一项主要关切是,在可持续森林管理所涉许多产品或服务中,如果某 一项产品或服务吸引了大量资金,就会产生一种...
Cash and commodity relations, wage labor, investments, bank loans, and interest rates are so deeply rooted in our everyday life that sometimes it seems as if it would be impossible to get rid of them—as if without them, there would be immediate famine and decline. ...
Mechanical parachute with blades, moved by tiles and driven by the air, during the fall. Characterized by: 1) a double system of rotating tiles (8) joined to a horizontal axis having at its center a gear wheel (9) arranged vertically. The tiles are joined to their axis by means of ...
Defense to protect the cowling of a motorcycle in the event of a fall, characterized in that it consists of a tubular body by a screw passing through the same, it is fixed to a side portion of sufficient strength of the motorcycle, such as the chassis ; the hole of the tubular body ...