Translation of the Culture-loaded Words 下载积分: 4990 内容提示: Overseas English 海外英语本栏目责任编辑:梁 书翻译研究2011 年 10 月 2011 年 10 月1 IntroductionEnglish and Chinese belong to the Indo-European familyand the Chinese and Tibetan languages. Chinese grammar isflexible and hidden while ...
抗划垃垂态堂亟±堂僮迨塞 功能圭竖视闼工g猩图蹙&墓逄奎虫的塞化负载词翻竖班究 AbstractThisthesisanalyzestheculture-loadedwordsintheEnglishtranslationofLang 死乃馏fromtheperspectiveoffunctionalism.Themainfocusisonthesignificantrolethefunctionalismplaysinthedecision-makingofthetranslationstrategiesemployedbythetr...
It is suggested that the translator should take into special consideration the cultural factors in English news and make deft use of different translating methods in different cultural contexts. lt;br /gt;lt;stronggt;Keywordslt;/stronggt;: news English; culture-loaded words; translationlt;br /gt...
16.Translation in Cultural Context and the Enlightenment of Relevance Theory;文化语境下的翻译及关联理论的启示 17.A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Cultural Default and Its Reconstruction in Translation;从关联理论看文化缺省及其翻译重构 18.The Comprehension and Translation of the Culture-loaded Words in ...
In the language system, culture-loaded words are the vocabulary which can best embody the culture information that a language carries and they also reflect the human social life, especially for the totally different languages like Chinese and English. However, this kind of differences cast great di...
Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words 中国文化负载词的翻译 上传人:E-Power·上传时间:2012-09-07
Chinese culture-loaded words refer to the uniqueness of Chinese items, and of course, contain the connotation of Chinese culture, such as “Baxianguohai” in the “Eight Immortals” Who was this guy? Which, “Liu Qin”? There is a saying called “seven things” (seven daily needs of ...
the strategy for translating the culture-loaded words in it,that is,the academic feature of the original version and the popularity of the translated version should be both concerned simultaneously.And of the two the former should be a little more stressed than the latter.Therefore,foreignization ...
Evidently, culture-loaded words abound in the book. The translation of such words frequently makes translators exhausted and stranded. Focusing on the study of the translation of the culture-loaded words, this thesis intends to take Lin’s The Gay Genius as an example to analyze the choices ...
A Study on the Translation of Culture Loaded Words From the Perspective of Skopos Theory ZAN Chen, LYU Liang-qiu North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China “A word is the best evidence of the reality of culture, in the sense of a historically transmitted system of conceptions and...