481 -- 3:31 App 【绝美歌谣】Grace Jones - 玫瑰人生 / La Vie En Rose · 中法双语字幕 ★ 1080P高清 15 -- 20:53 App My day spent in a micro bakery〈 Levain Le Vin 〉A small bakery in Bordeaux浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
I.away [Brit əˈweɪ, Am əˈweɪ] ADJ Away often appears in English as the second element of a verb (run away, put away, get away, look away, give away etc.). For translations, look at the appropriate verb entry (run, put, get, look, give etc.). away often appe...
Your search term in other parts of the dictionary soppy sentimental sentimentalist sentimental/-em/f gooeyfig sentimental patheticfallacy ≈sophismemsentimental soupyinf,pej sentimental,méloinf,pej slushy àl'eauderose,sentimental romantic sentimental ...
aJe suis toujours comme je suis.La vie est toujours compliquer.Ce n'est pas toujours en rose! Je suis toujours comme je suis。La竞争est toujours compliquer。铈n'est舞步toujours en上升了![translate] a七夕情人节谁陪我呢? Seventh night of the seventh lunar month valentine day who accompanies...
aThe fragrance of the Rose according to many has no equal.It promotes a feeling of well-being and harmony. The scent has slightly seductive overtones. 罗斯的芬芳根据许多没有均等。它促进福利和和谐的感觉。 气味有轻微地诱人的言外之意。[translate] ...
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Polygenic scores (PGS) can be used for risk stratification by quantifying individuals’ genetic predisposition to disease, and many potentially clinically useful applications have been proposed. Here, we review the latest potential benefits of PGS in the
In order to analyse instances of the use of L3, the T2 version solutions can be treated as belonging to one of the following categories: [1a] using the same L3 [La fenomenología del espíritu. (L2ES) Phänomenologie des Geistes. (L3DE)]; [2a] using a different L3 [Chaleco. (L2...
viruses Review The Regulation of Translation in Alphavirus-Infected Cells Luis Carrasco * ID , Miguel Angel Sanz ID and Esther González-Almela ID Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid c/Nicolás Cabrera, 1., Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain; mas...
perfectly reproduces the characteristic volume of rose petals,creatinganultra-chicversion of this highly symbolic flower. en.piaget.com en.piaget.com 这款白金戒指饰以独立镶嵌的钻石花瓣,完美展现玫瑰花瓣丰满而立体的形态,为极富象征意义的玫瑰缔造格外时尚的一面。