(none)Chiara Mugavero
Translations forsuccessin the English»Italian Dictionary (Go toItalian»English) Show summary of all matches success[Britsəkˈsɛs,Amsəkˈsɛs]N 1. success: success successom success riuscitaf withoutsuccess senzasuccesso,infruttuoso ...
Translations forclarionin the English»Italian Dictionary (Go toItalian»English) Show summary of all matches I.clarion[Britˈklarɪən,Amˈklɛriən]N clarion chiarinaf clarion trombafmilitare II.clarion[Britˈklarɪən,Amˈklɛriən]VBtransliter ...
We can plan an online marketing campaign for Britain, the USA or other countries where Italian is spoken by looking at all the necessary elements from start to finish. After the necessary market research is carried out, we can make all necessary design, technical and text-based changes to you...
Translations forallocatedin the English»Italian Dictionary (Go toItalian»English) Show summary of all matches allocate[Britˈaləkeɪt,Amˈæləˌkeɪt]VBtrans View verb table 1. allocate: allocatefunds,resources allocare,stanziare,assegnare(for,toper, a) ...
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We translate documents from Italian to English for some of the world’s leading companies. Click here to see a client list; click here to read some customer testimonials. Italian Document Translation Service We provide expert English to Italian document translation in many industries including: Techn...
English英语译成Italian意大利语 The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via theKudoZ term help network. Select a different glossary There are no terms in this glossary. Please browse a different glossary using the form above. ...
Lion allows you to send a query to the German-English, -French, -Spanish and -Italian LEO dictionaries (Chinese is currently not supported) with a click of your mouse from almost all MS Windows applications. dict.leo.org 更改游客聊天信使的大小和字体;翻 译 为 任 意 语 言。 providesupp...
Translations foraffarin the Italian»English Dictionary (Go toEnglish»Italian) Show summary of all matches Your search term in other parts of the dictionary haribattutochenoneraaffarmio hereplieditwasnoneofmybusiness nonèaffartuo it'snoneofyourconcern,it'sofnoconcerntoyou ...