Grave Gross, LuísaPozzebon, Maria EugêniaPinheiro Favarato, ArthurAyub, GabrielAlves, MnicaArquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia
Chloramphenicol O-AcetyltransferaseCalcitoninDNA-Binding ProteinsRecombinant Fusion ProteinsDNA Mutational AnalysisBase SequenceNucleic Acid ConformationProtein BindingFirst page of articledoi:10.1111/j.1600-0730.1950.tb00437.xSIMONSENVAGN LUNDGAARDBlackwell Publishing LtdOrbis Litterarum...
While it is indeed by all means true that someone like me is not someone with whom learned scholars would discuss the Dharma. Nonetheless, if the interpretable and the definitive are not distinguished, there is a grave risk that future people with little learning will be confused and cleave ...
à ton arrivée/départ when you arrived/left Preselect for export to vocabulary trainer View selected vocabulary je ne suis pas ton juge it's not up to me to tell you what to do Preselect for export to vocabulary trainer View selected vocabulary tu peux te la garder, ta voiture inf ...
EMMA CAMPBELL AND ROBERT MILLS, eds., Rethinking Medieval Translation. Ethics, Politics, Theory...doi:10.1353/pgn.2013.0068Goyens, MichèleParergon