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to put (something said or written) into another language.He translated the book from French into English.traducir transˈlationnoun 1.the act of translating.The translation of poetry is difficult.traducción 2.a version of a book, something saidetc, in another language.He gave me an Italian...
Yes, an online translator can save you if you need an immediate English to Spanish translation for your trip to Barcelona. But it will not be the tool to help you launch your new product line in Paris. For that, you’ll need a professional English to French translation from an industry-...
Translate "nude" from English to French, nu, weigh-in in the nude, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and declension.
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Woxikon/English dictionary/T/ translation ENEnglish dictionary:translation translation has 48 translations in 19 languages Jump toTranslationsSynonyms translations oftranslation ENFRFrench2 translations traduction[act of translating between languages, general, language]{f} ...
If you are looking for a good online French dictionary andEnglish-French online dictionary, we can recommend Larousse. Reverso is one of the most popularonline French language resources. Another excellent online resource for translators is, which provides examples ofEnglish-French translationsfr...
Translations forEnglandin the English»French Dictionary Your search term in other parts of the dictionary theParliament LeParliamentestcomposéselonlaconstitutionbritanniquedesdeux"HousesofParliament"etdelareine.Lesdeux"HousesofParliament"siègentdansle"PalaceofWestminster"àLondres.LaChambrebasse,élueparlepeu...