Modalities of action have included: a series of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian schools; workshops on how to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced courses in IT training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AI...
English) was produced in Ethiopiaandwill be translatedintoAmharic for distribution in 2004; also, four HIV/AIDS videos [...] 在埃塞俄比亚出版了一种艾滋病病毒/艾滋病培训手册(英文版只读光盘),将译成阿姆哈拉语于 2004 年发行;还用阿姆哈拉语制作了四种艾滋病病毒...
Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Bengali Bosnian - Latin Bulgarian Catalan Chinese - Simplified Chinese - Traditional Croatian Czech Danish Dari Dutch English Estonian Finnish French French (Canada) Georgian German Greek, Modern Gujarati Haitian Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japa...
Sustainable Development (English and French) and The Challenge [...] 还编制并翻译了两部出 版物:《教育为 可 持续 发展服务》(英文和法文)和《土 著居民教育面临的挑战》(英文和西班牙文)。 Mr. Kwong also serves as an independent non-executive director of...
"app_name" is not translated in "af" (Afrikaans), "am" (Amharic), "ar" (Arabic), "bg" (Bulgarian), "ca"(Catalan),"cs" (Czech), "da" (Danish), "de" (German), "el" (Greek), "en-rGB" (English: United Kingdom), "en-rIN"(English: ...
"XXXX" is not translated in "en" (English), "zh" (Chinese) ;en" (English), "zh"; (Chinese) 字数269 阅读740 评论0 喜欢01.出现问题: 今天打包具有双语的Android工程,在引用中报了一...; (English), "zh"; (Chinese)报的是Lint Warnings错误。2.问题原因 根据错误信息,是说我没有对string文件...
"en"; (English) [MissingTranslation]错误原因是string.xml没有国际化解决办法: 1.在string.xml的resources中加...错误信息:Error:(16)Error: "alivc_error_msg";isnottranslatedin"en"; (English Error:(3) Error: "app_name" is not translated in "zh" (Chinese) [MissingTranslation] ...
"app_name" is not translated in "af" (Afrikaans), "am" (Amharic), "ar" (Arabic), "bg" (Bulgarian), "ca" (Catalan), "cs" (Czech), "da" (Danish), "de" (German), "el" (Greek), "en-rGB" (English: United Kingdom), "en-rIN" (English: ...
( Alameda, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara) and other states that have at least 10,000 or 5% of the total voting age citizens who have limited or no English skills and who are members of a minority language group are required by lawtohave ...