谷歌翻译插件Translate Web Pages 官方下载页: Chrome(谷歌浏览器):下载“” Chrome安装扩展、配置、使用的操作步骤: 1.用7-Zip等解压工具右键解压“”文件。 2.打开谷歌扩展程序,点右边的“三个点→...
Linguist(语言学家)是一个页面翻译的Chrome浏览器扩展,国内可使用的“YandexTranslator”翻译模块进行文本和页面翻译。 Linguist(语言学家)扩展的安装、使用的操作步骤: 1.双击“chrome.exe”程序运行,点右边的“三个点→更多工具→扩展程序”,也就是下边一行地址: chrome://extensions 2.点扩展程序页面右上角打开“...
Chrome-extension for translating foreign languages at the viewing web page context. Translate from 100+ foreign languages to your native directly on web-site you're reading or insert text in the action window (via extension's icon on chrome's toolbar). ...
Please help, I just updated my ISO for my macbook to the latest version and since then google chrome don`t translate pages for me again to English, I see the translation Icon on the title bar but when I click on it, nothing happens and when I open a page that is in another languag...
Open With Firefox sends web pages from Chrome to Firefox with an easy and quick mouse click. Open With Firefox™ is not of 扇贝助手 Chrome插件 办公插件2015-02-11 17:51:40 扇贝助手帮助男朋友好好背单词,妈妈再也不用担心单词不认识啦 ...
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卷曲, 注释, 书签, 通信, 创造性的, 文件, 网格, 定位器, 页, 资源, 形状, 分享, 社交媒体, 社交网络, 制服, 网站图标(Furl, annotation, bookmark, communication, creative, file, grid, locators, pages, resource, shape, share, social-media, social-network, uniform, website icon) ...
it is designed to work only with text that the user is actively writing, rather than with static text, such as that found on webpages or in received emails.This focus on active text creation may limit its usefulness for users seeking to translate existing documents or other non-interactive ...
In this article, you can get the ways to translate web pages in three popular browsers, including Chrome, Firefox and Opera.
Translate Web Pages Using Extension If the built-in translator on your Chrome isn’t working, you can choose toinstall an extensionas an alternative. 1.Just install the officialGoogle Translateextension from the Chrome Web Store. 2.Once the extension is added to your Chrome browser, go to the...