Premium Themeisle themes and plugins are 100% translation ready, come with .pot / .po / .mo files, and can be translated using any software such as POEdit, or w
If no source text is given in command-line arguments, the program will read from standard input, or from the file specified by the -input (-i) option: $ echo "Saluton, Mondo" | trans -b :fr $ trans -b -i input.txt :fr Translations are written to standard output, or to the fi...
Once you have done this, login to your account and go to Google Drive. Once you are in Google Drive, click on “Upload“ and then “File Upload“. From your computer, choose the PDF file that you want to translate and upload it. Pros Effortless Usability:Google Translate boasts an intui...
• The app will work on voice to text and will translate from source to target language • Every conversation do have the functionality to copy, speak, share or delete it Following are the famous language translation • Chinese to English • Spanish to english • Dutch to English •...
German Danish Russian French Filipino Finnish Korean Dutch Catalan Czech Croatian romanian latvian marathi Bengali Nepali Norwegian language of South Africa Chinese Portuguese Japanese Swedish slovak slovenian Serbian Thai Tamil Turkish Urdu hun Greek Spanish Hebrew Rice English Vietnamese Indonesian Hindi ...
Turkish Greek Romanian Indonesian Hebrew Hungarian African Czech Malay Voice output supported languages & dialects: English (US,UK,Australia,Canada) Spanish (Spain,Mexico) French (France,Canada) Finish German Italian Japanese Chinese (Traditional,Simplified, Taiwan / Hong Kong) ...
Invoke-MgTranslateUserExchangeId -UserId <String> [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>] [-InputIds <String[]>] [-SourceIdType <String>] [-TargetIdType <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<Commo...
Turkish \n \n Catalan \n\n French \n\n Italian \nMarathiSerbian (Latin)Ukrainian \n Chinese Simplified \n\n German \n\n Japanese \n\n Norwegian \n\n Slovak \n\n Urdu \n \n Chinese Traditional \n\n Greek \nKannada\n Persian ...
from googletrans import Translator translator = Translator() To perform text translation, you should use a method called — guess what? — translate. Easy, huh? This method accepts at least one argument: that’s your source text. By default the target language is English, but you can over...
UITextInputMode.Notifications UITextInputPasswordRules UITextInputStringTokenizer UITextInputTokenizer UITextInputTraits_Extensions UITextItemInteraction UITextLayoutDirection UITextPasteDelegate UITextPasteDelegate_Extensions UITextPosition UITextRange UITextSelectionRect UITextSmartDashes...