KNOX Contribution to Android: Accelerating Android in the Workplace Simple Ripple + Reveal + Elevation tutorial How templates can save your time? Floating Action Button Android AutoCompleteTextView With Suggestions From a Web Service Irregular Shapes – Part 4 Migrating to the new project structure ...
You also need to set the following in your Manifest: To initialize Applanga for your web content you need to initialize Applanga from JavaScript: window.initApplanga = function() { if(typeof window.ApplangaNative !== 'undefined'){ window.ApplangaNative.loadScript(); } else { setTi...
Once we had a dataset of monolingual text in over 1000 languages, we then developed asimple yet practical approachfor zero-resource translation, i.e., translation for languages with no in-language parallel text and no language-specific translation examples. Rather than limiting our model to an a...
KNOX Contribution to Android: Accelerating Android in the Workplace Simple Ripple + Reveal + Elevation tutorial How templates can save your time? Floating Action Button Android AutoCompleteTextView With Suggestions From a Web Service Irregular Shapes – Part 4 Migrating to the new project structure ...
Some Android devices do not behave as expected when setting the device clipboard programmatically. An option --legacy-paste is provided to change the behavior of Ctrl+v and MOD+v so that they also inject the computer clipboard text as a sequence of key events (the same way as MOD+Shift+v...
KNOX Contribution to Android: Accelerating Android in the Workplace Simple Ripple + Reveal + Elevation tutorial How templates can save your time? Floating Action Button Android AutoCompleteTextView With Suggestions From a Web Service Irregular Shapes – Part 4 Migrating to the new project structure ...
KNOX Contribution to Android: Accelerating Android in the Workplace Simple Ripple + Reveal + Elevation tutorial How templates can save your time? Floating Action Button Android AutoCompleteTextView With Suggestions From a Web Service Irregular Shapes – Part 4 Migrating to the new project structure ...
KNOX Contribution to Android: Accelerating Android in the Workplace Simple Ripple + Reveal + Elevation tutorial How templates can save your time? Floating Action Button Android AutoCompleteTextView With Suggestions From a Web Service Irregular Shapes – Part 4 Migrating to the new project structure ...
KNOX Contribution to Android: Accelerating Android in the Workplace Simple Ripple + Reveal + Elevation tutorial How templates can save your time? Floating Action Button Android AutoCompleteTextView With Suggestions From a Web Service Irregular Shapes – Part 4 Migrating to the new project structure ...